Sept. 12, 2024

New Feature

Send notifications to users

(Requires CoPilot or later.) 

A new Notify Users messaging feature allows you to send instant notifications to an individual asset or multiple assets all at once. Messages can be up to 280 characters on any topic. Drivers view the messages in CoPilot but cannot respond. 

Notify users dialog in Account Manager

A notification displayed in CoPilot


Partner search for vehicles

Trimble Maps partners who use Account Manager on behalf of their customers can now search for vehicles in all of their accounts under Diagnostics > Vehicle Search. (The Diagnostics feature must be turned on for partners. Contact us.)

Updated min/max values

Additional minimum and maximum values were added to the Max Traffic Distance, Min Time Savings and the Waypoint Radius field in CoPilot Preferences in a Configuration Profiles.

Local time zone support

Account Manager now displays dates and times in the local time zone and regional format of the logged in user. The time zone is based on information from the web browser used to access Account Manager.

Bug Fixes

  • The Setup Checklist now only displays Created Map Sets when the account has map sets enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where integrated customers using CPIH were not able to turn on a Data Integration Sync with the Enable Data Integration Sync switch control.
  • Fixed an issue where some CoPilot Preferences in a Configuration Profile were displayed but not editable.
  • Fixed several display issues related to profile name changes, status updates after inviting assets, and saving assets with a duplicate name.

August 14, 2024

New Features

Select a language for invite emails

You can now set a Default Language for email messages that invite drivers to install CoPilot. Options are: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Swedish. To select a language, go to Manage Account > Account Settings > Asset Invite Defaults. The language can also be selected in the dialog that prompts the user to send an invite.

Choose settings for CoPilot Safety Alerts & Warnings and Navigation

(Requires CoPilot 10.28

Configuration Profiles now include a wide range of settings for features related to driver safety and navigation in CoPilot. These configurations create consistency across your fleet for CoPilot settings such as: 

  • The display of speed limits and speed warnings.
  • The use of motion lock to prevent interaction with the screen while driving. 
  • When drivers are provided with alternate routes. 

Several new settings allow you to customize the minimum weather-related risks at which CoPilot issues alerts to drivers or to back-office personnel assigning routes to drivers. CoPilot ignores weather events below that level. (Requires CoPilot add-on license for weather.)

Partners can now view selected diagnostics

Trimble Maps partners who use Account Manager on behalf of their customers can now view the following Diagnostics within Account Manager:

CoPilot - Request Action: This allows a partner administrator or support team member to initiate a request to an active CoPilot device to upload logs to help diagnose support issues. Previously, this request was only available for Trimble Maps internal support. Note: While partners can initiate the request, only the Trimble Maps support team can access the CoPilot logs. Partners still need to open a support ticket and work with our support department.

Audits: This feature allows a partner administrator or support team member to review an audit trail of usage in the Account Manager web tool as well as directly with our APIs. Audits include the user and date/time of the request.


Duplicate profiles

A new Duplicate button speeds the process of creating a new Vehicle Routing Profile based on an existing profile. Users can now easily take an existing profile, duplicate it, name it and then modify it.

Set users as Read Only

New Users can now be assigned a Read Only role in Account Manager. This role limits that user’s ability to make changes with assets, settings and users. However, it does not restrict current permissions for Configure Fleet Settings which is governed by their fleet role.

More easily resolve issues with importing drivers and vehicles

During the import process, if one or more vehicles or drivers fails, the user is now presented with options on how to resolve the import error and continue the import or cancel.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the display of the Edit Asset screen.
  • Fixed an issue where imported assets might not display right away until the screen is refreshed.
  • Fixed an issue with accounts that use our automatic asset syncing to assign/unassign licenses to assets.

July 15, 2024

New Features

View fleet data at a glance

A new Dashboard gives you a quick overview of key aspects of your fleet's account, including available licenses, CoPilot settings, map data information, and driver route compliance and safety alerts. (A RouteReporter license is required for compliance details.) 

The Dashboard helps ensure that your vehicle settings are up to date, and it can alert you to potential safety issues within the fleet.  

Set a threshold for weather alerts in CoPilot

A new Weather screen allows you to set the minimum weather-related Road Risk at which CoPilot issues weather alerts to drivers or to back-office personnel assigning routes to drivers. CoPilot ignores weather events below that level. (Requires CoPilot add-on license for weather.)

Assign RouteReporter to new users

If licensed, RouteReporter can now be assigned to new users in the Manage Account > User Access screen.


Several display enhancements were made to Account Manager, including:

  • Larger QR codes to scan for CoPilot setup. 
  • Auto focus on entry fields when navigating to a new tab

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented MileOn invites from being sent to a driver via email when an account is also set to SMS only invites for CoPilot.
  • Fixed the Save button so it works properly when the Phone field's country code in the Fleet Contact Information is changed.  

June 11, 2024

New Features

Schedule map updates to monitor device data consumption

(Contact us to add this feature to your account. Requires CoPilot or later.) A new Map Updates features in Configure Fleet Settings allows you to set up a regular schedule for a fixed number of devices to receive the latest map update. This can help you monitor and control the amount of data your fleet consumers for map updates.


Invite drivers via text message

(North America only. Trial underway with select customers. Contact us to learn more.) Drivers can now be invited to download and install CoPilot on their devices via text (SMS) message. Previously, invites could only be sent via email. To send text messages, the Asset (driver) must have a valid phone number, and you must select one of the SMS options under Manage Account > Account Settings > Asset Invite Defaults.

Set defaults for inviting assets

In the Asset Invite Defaults dialog, you can also:

  • Set a Default Phone Country Code for SMS messages.
  • Toggle on Automatic Invitations so that an invitation is sent every time a new asset is added.


You can now filter your asset list by uploading a file with a list of assets. This list can be any subset of your entire asset list that you want filtered. This is useful if you need to select a list of assets that you might have on an external system, and then take a bulk action on this list, such as assigning a new license.

On the Assets screen, set the Filter Assets By: dropdown to List of Uploaded Individual Assets. You are then prompted to upload a CSV file with the list of Asset IDs you want to filter. 

Updated the naming of the Hazmat categories that can be assigned to a Vehicle Routing Profile to match other Trimble applications.

Added help text to the Allow Alternate Routes setting in a Configuration Profile.

In Configuration Profiles, the limit has been removed for the Out-of-Route Threshold (miles).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Set Password screen for an asset could appear twice.
  • Fixed an issue where the Assign and Un-Assign buttons are able to be clicked even though they are disabled as nothing is selected.
  • Fixed the weight conversion help text displayed when creating a Vehicle Routing Profile.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong time zone to be displayed.